- For over 21 years, Pride Public High School has been committed to the pursuit of
promoting quality education, human excellence, with a vision and mission that
will bring glory to the nation and globe.
In 1996, Pride Public School established its first campus with the Aim to provide
quality education to our upcoming generation by employing all the available
resources. Our Mission is to educate students for a better and purposeful living
and adjusting amicably with other human beings. We strive to develop
capabilities of mind to develop a balanced Muslim who is confident to face the
challenges of modern world.
With an on ground tested system, model campuses, publications and the ability to
understand/respond to different cultural environments and parental
expectations, PAL is proud to offer a Nationwide Pride School System (PSS)
Franchise to collaborate with the private sector and establish a network of quality
based campuses across Pakistan.
In order to Support Our Nationwide Campuses, Pride Portal provides online
resources for teaching, learning educational planning and School management to
Administrators, Managers, Teachers, Parents and Students